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OSA Full Form, What does OSA stand for? – Kunji

OSA Full Form, What does OSA stand for?

The Full Form of OSA

OSA Full Form The Full Form of OSA in medical terms is Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and it is when something blocks a part or all of upper airway while sleeping. Diaphragm and chest muscles will have to strain more to open the airway and pull air into lungs. Breathing can become very shallow and usually start again with a loud snort, gasp, or jerking of body. This condition can also reduce flow of oxygen to other organs and result in uneven heart rhythms.

Common OSA symptoms include daytime sleepiness, trouble concentrating, forgetfulness, dry mouth when waking up, depression or crankiness, headaches in the morning, problems with sex, restlessness during sleep, snoring, night sweats, waking up suddenly and feeling choked, waking up more often to pee in middle of night, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and high blood pressure.

Symptoms in children probably won’t show up clearly. They might include choking or drooling, bed-wetting, ribcage moving inward while breathing out, snoring, sweating a lot at night, behavior and learning problems, breathing pauses or stops, sluggishness, restlessness in bed, grinding of teeth and unusual sleeping postures like sleeping on hands and knees, or with neck bent far back.

Obstructive sleep apnea typically happens when muscles controlling the airway relax too much, slimming down the throat. The person might wake up for a moment (for opening the airway) but they won’t remember it.This can occur dozens of time each hour.Other factors like swollen tonsils, obesity, endocrine disorders or heart failure can also lead to OSA.

Check out more abbreviation

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