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CPR Full Form, What does CPR stand for? – Kunji

CPR Full Form, What does CPR stand for?

The Full form of CPR

CPR Full Form – The full form of CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, a method used during emergencies where a person’s ability to breathe or heartbeat potentially stops. It is a procedure that initiates the blood circulation in the victim whose pulse rapidly declines.

If the person giving CPR is untrained, hands-only is advised, i.e. uninterrupted compressions of the chest (around 100 – 120 a minute) until the arrival of the paramedics. If the individual is trained and has belief in their capability, it is suggested that chest compressions should be started for 30 seconds before giving 2 rescue breaths. In case the abilities have become rusty, it is better to stick with the chest compressions, 100 -120 per minute.

The methods mentioned above are to be followed while giving CPR to adults or children but not newborns. However, care must be taken while performing CPR since it can lead to injuries. The fracturing of ribs is a very common occurrence among the elderly or children because the pressure exerted onto the ribs could break them; which can also lead to punctures in the lungs or liver. Vomiting might also occur due to the build-up of pressure making the stomach contents come out through the esophagus. There might also be chances of contamination during rescue breaths if the CPR provider is sick.

However, since the first few minutes after an accident is very crucial, no time should be wasted. It is recommended by the AHA (American Heart Association) that everyone, irrespective of their expertise, should begin the CPR procedure by compressing the chest. CPR could save a person’s life as an initial form of first aid.

Check out more abbreviation

Kunji Team

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